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kayak rental and routes in Lake Saimaa

Harjun Portti is located in Tuunaansaari Punkaharju, which is the crossroads of lakes Puruvesi and Pihlajavesi, both part of Lake Saimaa. In this area, there are hundreds of islands and dozens of trekking harbours for camping or just by stopping to beautiful beaches. Perfect spots for kayaking trips in Savonlinna.
Kayaks, boats and other equipments can be found from our equipment rental. See the selection of equipment rental from here.

List of trek harbours/ ROUTE IDEAS in Punkaharju area

Where are the trekking harbours located, whats the route? Check some tips from our map suggestions in here

  • Mustaniemi-Kuikonniemi in ridge area (8-9 km trip)
  • Karjalankallio-laavu in Laukansaari (8 km trip)
  • Around Tuunaansaari island (8 km trip)
  • Sumpunlahti bay (n. 17 km trip)
  • Around Vaahersalo (n. 20 km trip)
  • Petri and Eevasaari in lake Puruvesi (n. 28-35 km trip)
  • Around Laukansaari island (n. 16 km trip)
  • Hiekkasaari in lake Pihlajavesi (n. 23 km one way)
  • Mitinhiekka (Pesolansaari) in lake Pihlajavesi (n. 30-35km one way)


Trip destinations nearby | short trips

The ridge area

An easy trip to ridge area, from 2-3 hours to a whole day lasting. Starts from our shore, ridge area starts from the opposite bank. In 20-30 minutes of paddling you are on your kayak on the little bays of the ridge area.

The ridge is app. 9 km long, so you can adjust your trip just by turning back when you feel to. On the other hand, you can also go around the whole ridge area and Laukansaari on a whole day trip, when you get a great view from all of Punkaharju. 

Karjalankallio IN LAUKANSAARI (n. 8 km)

around tuunaansaari holiday village (8 km)

Long trips

Where are the trekking harbours located, whats the route? Check some tips from our map suggestions in here

Sumpunlahti (n. 17 km)

The most nearest trekking harbour, back and forth approx. 17 km. Beautiful sand beach, grill spots.
See more from the website of VeneilySaimaa

Around Vaahersalo (n. 20 km)

20-21 km of paddling, south from Harjun Portti. A great shelter point on midway and you can also pay a visit to a local farm holiday village on the way! A good one day trip.

around laukansaari (n. 16 km)

Go under stone bridge to Laukanlahti (Kivisilta, under the thinnest part of ridge road). You can access the Puruvesi from point of Tervahaudanniemi.

Petrisaari ja Eevansaari LAKE PURUVESI (28-35 km)

Amazing landscapes, clear and pure waters, sand beaches - those you can see in Lake Puruvesi.

  • The shortest way to beautiful beaches of Eevansaari is approx 14km one way. See more from Eevansaari.
  • Close by Eevansaari is Petri trek harbour, approx 17km one way. See more from Petrisaari

HIEKKASAARI lake pihlajavesi (n. 23 km)

Tiny sand island in the middle of Hirvasselkä. Katso lisää Veneilysaimaan sivuilta.


See Pesolansaari (Mitinhiekka) and close by Kongonsaari.

Kayak selection of harjun portti: 

Oasis 4.30, single kayak: Oasis is an easy, very stable and alltogether an excellent kayak for short trips on the lake. Its an excellent choice for beginners due to its features.

Prijon Touryak, single kayak: Touryak- kayaks are touring kayaks. They are an ideal choice for longer trips in the lakes, but are just as good for an easygoing paddling!

Wave Sports Hydra, single kayk: 2021 model. Trek kayak.

Prijon Excursion, double kayak: Excursion-kayaks are touring kayaks for 2 people. They are also an ideal choice for longer trips in the lakes, but are just as good for an easygoing paddling! It also has more space for packing.

Rental prices include paddles, a map, life jackets, hole coverings and if requested, waterproof K-Gear packing bags. In our guest harbour is located a kayak-pier, which provides an easy start for paddling.

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